Monday, October 28, 2013

What is DNA?

Science Homework 10-28-13

6th/7th Grade
- Research Question on DNA Nitrogen bases:  

adenine (A), cytosine (C),

thymine (T), and guanine (G)

8th Grade

- Research question - how did scientists figure out the age of the Sun?
- continue working on Research questions you are missing

Friday, October 25, 2013

Science Homework October 25, 2013

6th grade
  • No homework study for Math test
7th grade
  • How does DNA fit in chromosomes? This is a question scientists have been asking.
8th grade
  • Catch up on all research questions: Mars, black holes, and other research questions you need to finish.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Science Homework Oct 24, 2013

6th Grade 

  • Punnet Square Worksheet - rewrite every question and answer on a separate piece of paper 

7th Grade

  • Punnet Square Worksheet - rewrite every question and answer on a separate piece of paper 
  • Draw a Punnet square for parents with brown eyes and some of their children having green eyes, how is that possible?  Label all parts

 8th Grade
  • Research question on black holes: What are they and how do they affect the Universe

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How Mendel's pea plants helped us understand genetics

8th grade Electromagnetic Expectrum example

Oct 23, 2013 Homework

6th/7th Grade - Research on
1. Punnet Square - What it is and an example - Perhaps one demonstrating how you can get green eyes if both your parents have brown eyes - or any other example related to genes
  • draw the punnet square example
2. Pedigree - What it is and an example - Perhaps one demonstrating how you can get green eyes if both your parents have brown eyes - or any other example related to genes
  • draw the Pedigree example

8th Grade - Homework
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Diagram - Draw examples and label them on a piece of paper
  • Wavelength, Galaxy, light year worksheets (given in class today) 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Study for Quiz Tomorrow!!!! October 17, 2013

6th/7th Grade
  1. Study for quiz
  2. Study the alphabet soup worksheet - all 23 questions will be on test know all the words and definitions
  3. Study labeling parts in Plant and Animal Cells (today's art activity)
8th grade
  1. Do the worksheets for the inner and outer planets
  2. Study for the quiz with those worksheets

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Plant Cell

Animal Cell

Homework 10/16/13

  • 6th/7th Science 
  • Do the Cell Part Crossword 
  • Start studying for test 
  • 8th Science 
  • Drawing Alien activity related to a planet
  • Is life possible in Mars? What is the current research? What is Nasa saying about life on mars?
  • Remember the videos you watched in class: Methane gas producing microbes and liquid water found.

Cell song by Ranya and Hana

I was working in the lab late one night when my eyes caught on to the wondrous sight. I couldn't quite tell just what it was but it sure did ring a bell. It was a cell, it was a plant cell. You'll have a blast, learning about chloroplast, it is fun with mitochondria. You'll throw a fuss, at the nucleus. Chloroplast makes a plant cell green, mitochondria creates energy to make you scream, Ribosomes create the protein. Cell wall shapes the cell. I have so much more to tell! Cytoplasm, hold parts in the cell. Vacuoles, store food and waste golgi body, transport materials, the E.R. transport material to the cell, the cell membrane selects what enters the cell, nucleus, contains information, and now were done. Plant cells! Thanks for watching son!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Old McDonald Cell Song - 6th Grade Mohamed and Amjad

Old McDonald owned a cell

Eei eei yo

and in the cell there was a nucleus

Eei eei yo

The nucleus controlled the cell

Eei eei yo

with the cell wall there and the vacuole there every where every where...

Old McDonald owned a cell

Eei eei yo

And in the cell there are ribosomes

Eei eei yo

The ribosomes make protein

Eei eei yo

The protein then makes life

Eei eei yo

and That's what made you and me

Eei eei yo

Oct 14, 2013 Homework

6th/7th Grade Research questions

1. What is the difference between plant and animal cells?

2. What are Lysosomes and what type of cells are they found in?

3. What are Centrosomes and what type of cells are they found in?

4. What is the difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells?

8th Grade

Pg. 101 on packet for solar system all questions, plus do Apply it: Drawing Alien activity
Write a page summarizing the differences between the first 4 planets found on pg. 94-101

Friday, October 11, 2013

Science Weekend Homework - Oct 13, 2013

6th/7th grade Science

  • Research questions assigned to each student on plant and animal cells
8th Grade Science
  • Solar system worksheets

8th grader Samantha's studying advice for everyone!

Mr. Lopez "How do you study for tests?"

Samantha "I read all my notes two days before a test, for all the stuff Mr. Lopez tells us to highlight I make flash cards."

Samantha "I study all of the homework"

Mr. Lopez "So you think being organized helps you on the tests and quizzes?"

Samantha "Yes, because I know where everything is, if I can find the notes and homework quicker its easier for me study"

Mr. Lopez "Any other techniques besides Notecards?"

Samantha "I use highlighters to highlight the keywords and definitions"

Samantha "I spend 20 minutes studying everyday, before the tests"

Mr. Lopez "Thank you for your valuable information"

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oct 9, 2013 Homework

Math - 6th
  • pg 70  numbers 9-15
  • continue on Mario graph - 5pts extra on one of your quizzes if you turn it in

Science 6th/7th
  • research questions
8th grade Science
  • p.g. 87B, 87D, 87F